As you may be aware from our college calendar Thursday 10th November is our Year 12 and Year 13 Parents’ Evening. We are continuing to use School Cloud which is specifically designed to facilitate video meetings on a mobile phone or computer.
School Cloud allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. The booking system will open at 8 am on Thursday 20th October.
Please note, video link appointments are for a 5-minute period if you are logged into School Cloud, it will start automatically at the designated time, it will show a count down and automatically end the appointment.
Please visit https://
More help and guidance is available here:
Your child should accompany you on the video link to the College for their meetings, dressed appropriately.
If you have any concerns about how to access the system please call school 0151 639 7513 or email schooloffice@stmaryswallasey.
Miss J Jones
Director Sixth Form