Welcome to Year 11 Parents’ Evening 

We are really excited to welcome you to the first in-person parents’ evening since the pandemic.

Raising Achievement Plan 

We have included in this pack details of our Year 11 Raising Achievement Plan – this details, in three phases, the focus and targeted strategies your children will be part of in Year 11 to ensure that we can work together and success together this year. 

Sixth Form Open Evening 

This will take place on Tuesday 15th November 6pm – 8pm. 

Year 11 Parent Resources 

This is the link to our Year 11 Revision Resources Page including details of our Online Parent Information Evening that we held last week and our Parent Guide Booklet –  outlining each GCSE courses, what format exams will take as well as resources and revision materials pupils can access. Please use this to support your child over the coming weeks and months in preparation for their GCSE examinations.





Over the last few weeks, Year 11 pupils have again been asked if they need laptops at home to access online revision and ongoing homework. We have a bank that we can lend out so these have been going home with pupils this week and individual families have been emailed. If you would like to enquire about the loan of a laptop please contact Mrs Witan and Mrs Cotgrave at school or email    

In this pack you will find: 

  1. A map of the building  and a list of teachers and rooms
  2. A calendar of events that are involved in the Year 11 Raising Achievement Plan
  3. A comments and actions sheet that you can use to make a note of anything arising in your discussions with teachers – if you wish to. 

As always, we would love your feedback on the event so that we can continually improve our systems but especially as this is the first face-to-face event in a while. If you have any feedback about tonight please email

Work together; Succeed together